Monday, June 15, 2015

2015 Glampout Announced!

Hello Lovelies! We are pleased as punch to announce this year's Glampout date is October 2-4, 2015 here in Fredericksburg, TX. If you missed last year's, here's a few peeks into what it was like.

Lovely dinners and pretty tents.

An art project or two.

And even a photo shoot featuring a hammock, some cattle, and evening gowns. It was loads of fun!

This year our retreat will focus on Creation and Creativity. How God's handiwork manifests its beauty all around us, and how we, as Image Bearers seek to do the same. 

This retreat will be hands on, and have lots of time for collaboration, community, encouragement, teaching and learning. Classes will be lead all throughout the grounds that you will be able to attend (only if you want to). We are absolutely encouraging that you bring what you're working on and a wide open mind. We envision some people stitching, some learning a few guitar chords, others making jams in the kitchen. We will have several leaders heading up breakout groups that include Creativity in the Home, Creativity as a Day Job, and Creativity in Fundraising. You don't have to be "artsy" to enjoy this. We are ALL creative in different ways and I can't wait for the collision of all of our ideas!!! There will also be ample time to explore the beauty of God's creation in the middle of nowhere. We'll praise him under the stars each night. 

Registration is open to 60 women. Mature teen girls are welcome, but some wine will be on the grounds, so make a judgement call there. Your $250 ticket includes tent lodging, air mattress, bedding, all food, art supplies, and a goody bag. 

You'll need to arrive by Friday evening for 6:30 dinner. The retreat concludes at 10am Sunday morning to give you plenty of time to explore Fredericksburg. You're going to want to! The nearest airport is Austin Bergstrom. 

I know it's the beginning of summer now, but picture your buffalo plaid shirt and Hunter boots. Picture fire pit time and mulled wine in enamel mugs,  acoustic guitars, and pumpkin creme pies, and spending time with Jesus and your girls. Prayer walks at sunrise, flower crowns, and Bible journaling. We can't wait til October!