Monday, August 24, 2015

Dreamy Nooks

You know how we never write on this blog anymore? Allow me to explain. Alison is a gypsy and she's on the go (a lot). She's currently in Colorado for a retreat. She sends me pictures on the road. They look like this.

I send her pictures of my sandwiches. But anyways...

Normally, I'm homeschooling my two bigs. That season seems to be over for us now. Sidenote: I used to hate that term "season", but I don't anymore. I totally get it. There is no other word for this. The Season of Smalls is messy and confusing. I'm not saying it's bad. It's not. But it's totally different from this New Season. It's just Jude and I this morning. My bigs got on a bus this morning and flew the nest. I'm somewhere torn between freaking out good and freaking out bad. I love this quiet, clean time, but I also can't wait to go pick them up. Anyway, with more time on my hands, I'd love to get back into this little blogging thing again.

And I'll just start with where we are - getting ready for the glampout. This is a retreat, not a conference. Chicks need space to retreat. Pretty, sparkly places to perch while we spill our hearts and guts. So, it's my pleasure to spend some time creating a few dreamy nooks to do so in. This is my current fave. The truck zone. The kids use it for jam sessions. It's where we'll be doing our music worship time by the fire.

Have you ever noticed how twinkly lights take a scene from "meh" to "whoa". Its all in the Christmas lights. I'm afraid that come glampout time we're going to bust a circuit or burn the place down!