i'm getting all prepped up for our glampout. getting serious about writing the curriculum and the play-by-play of how it's all going down. so in that, i'm doing a ton of research regarding femininity and what it means to be a daughter of a King. there's always a princessy element to it. i don't know why i'm drawn to that, but i am. well, part of my research is reading as much as i can on the subject, right? which brings me to a new favorite book, captivating. it explores the foundations of a few essential, pretty universal traits, that women share. the need to be sought after and fought for, the desire to be a heroine in an adventure, and the desire to unveil beauty. uncover some hidden gem. hearing stasi, the author, articulate something so buried deep, so honestly and accurately is crazy eye opening. it addresses physical beauty in our selves, sure. and that's a whole different blog post. actually, that could be a whole blog, right?! and i am certainly coming to a comfortable place on that and i'll share more later.

but right now, in beth's world, i have moved into a farmhouse. it's a house in the middle of a field, in the middle of a valley. there is some serious potential for beauty, but this house and has been neglected. it has mice. it has a red roof. it's spray painted red. the porch is crooked, and the front porch sags. i battle scorpions daily, and sometimes pipes leak. something alive is in the laundry room. i hear it when i go out there. but it's set up to be a gem. the nature all around it, god's own brushstrokes are evident everywhere you look. in the roses that just pop up out of nowhere. in the wings of the hummingbirds that hang out on my front porch. in the way the light catches in the evenings in the grasses. the sunrises and sunsets. the hills. it's so gorgeous and sometimes, when the light is right it's like a thin curtain between here and heaven. like a sheer curtain. it's tangible and quiet. but then there's the mice and the scorpions and the cactus. it's got a hard edge. the truth is, it's going to be take a lot of new experiences (like apparently i need guinea fowl for the snakes, but what is a guinea fowl and what do i do with it?), money (please pray that our other house sells soon!), and some serious sweat equity to bring restore this house into a comfortable place to rest. now, there's an adventure!
today i feel like eve. like the all the soft characteristics of god. she was made to be an image bearer of god, but she was also given a task to help tame the world and nurture it. that is literally what i'm doing every day. pulling weeds and watering plants. sweeping and sweeping and sweeping. trying to make it homey. anyway, rambling today. sorry! so my new canvas is my yard. anybody else into gardening? i didn't even know i was a gardener, but it's in me! i just have to figure out how to do it. here's my garden board. do you have one? and also, do you feel like you contribute beauty to your world? how?