Monday, June 30, 2014

New in the Shop

Hey guys! How was your weekend? I had a lovely one! I redid a bunch of rooms at the Farmhouse. Do you ever have that decorating phenomenon where 'it's ok, but it's not right'? Do you know what I mean? I had that. But don't you love it when that other  thing happens and suddenly it's like 'Yes!!! It's right!!"?! I got that with three rooms this weekend. I'll show you later.

But today I'm showing you new art. I'm working SO crazy hard trying to get ready for the glampout and this week we're starting the fire. But I'm dead broke because I have two houses too. So I opened my art shop up again. Boom! And I'm so inspired by the sunrises and color scheme out here that all the sudden my whole vibe has changed a bit. Here's a few in the shop right now. I'm painting more this week and I have a theme for my verses: old hymns! It feels good to be excited about art again.

Also, if you'd like to contribute to the campfire fund you can simply purchase your tickets to the glampout or buy my Houston house.  :)