We are absolutely bursting to announce our very first Royal Daughters Glampout! Intriguing, yes, but what can it mean?! I'm glad you asked. It's a weekend retreat. Allow us to explain.
What? During the retreat we'll talking about who you really are. We'll be exploring our identities as Royal Daughters of the Most High King. What it means, and what it would look like if we actually lived like the princess girls we really are.
When? August 22nd-24th. You'll arrive in the afternoon of the 22nd, stay all day the 23rd, and leave after Breakfast and outdoor Sunrise Worship on Sunday. You'll then be free to explore the shops and wineries in the town if that is your kind of thing.
Where? Fredericksburg, TX. It's the loveliest bit of Hill Country. The best weather and the best views in Texas, in our humble opinion.
How much? Registration begins next week and cost $150. The cost includes the retreat materials, all meals from Friday dinner to Sunday breakfast (including a swoon-worthy al fresco Royal Banquet), a professional photoshoot, and a goody bag. The glampout will only be open to 50 people this time, so if you are interested, be sure to grab a spot early. Registration begins Monday.
So... glampout??? Yes, you know, glamping. Like glam+camping. You'll need to team up with some girlfriends and bring a tent, teepee, or trailer. We're going to be decking ours out. You can expect some Christmas lights, fresh flowers, and garlands to be decking ours out. Get creative. This is one of the coolest part. Here's some glampy inspiration to get you thinking.
You're probably going to need a glamping pinboard now. We totally have one. Hey, are you following us on Pinterest yet?
Oh, that's nice, but what if I hate the Great Outdoors? There just so happen to be 4 cabins just 1/3 of a mile from our place, and you are welcome to book one of those babies, and then head to our site in the morning. Here's the link to those.
What should I bring? I'd start with a tent full of your girlfriends. This is seriously going to be the ultimate Girly Weekend! Bring a journal and a Bible. You're also going to want to bring a gown for the photo shoot and banquet. That's a pretty strange item to add to a traditional camping list. To that, we respond, "Well, this isn't exactly a traditional camping experience". Dust off a bridesmaids dress, hit Anthropologie, a resale shop, or your best friends closet and bring something you feel great in. Some accessories might be great too. You can also bring any wine or cocktail ingredients that might float you boat in the evenings. We'll be deep in the Word during the day, so lay off the sauce (ok?), but ladies, we shall not deprive you a margarita by the fireside if it so pleases you.
That's it. We'll have a few hunky men that will light our fires and fix our food. We'll have live music and outdoor worship. We'll leave refreshed, recharged, and secured in our identity with our crowns holding stead on our upright heads!
The Lord their God will save his people on that day
as a shepherd saves his flock.
They will sparkle in his land
like jewels in a crown. -Zechariah 9:16
as a shepherd saves his flock.
They will sparkle in his land
like jewels in a crown. -Zechariah 9:16